Sunday, August 03, 2008

I'm Gonna "Take On Camping"

I've been holding off on announcing this until I had a contract in my hot little hands, but now it seems safe enough to get up on my box and shout.

"Take on Camping" is a new book I'll be writing for Seal Press. It's part of a whole "Take On" series which encourages women to try activities that have been traditionally male dominated like car repair, home renovation, and (apparently) camping!

The book will demystify the outdoors for women who think that they'd like to get closer to nature, but aren't sure where to begin.

Don't look for it on bookshelves just yet, though. This will be the third book in the series, and is planned for a spring 2010 release.

However, I may be putting out requests for information, advice and opinions via this blog - so be prepared to get interactive!


Anonymous said...

Two items that I would recommend for ANY woman who wants to get outdoors:

Divacup and the Sanifem.

These two help take care of some of the more delicate problems of being an outdoorsy female.

Good luck on your book

Maple Kiwi said...

Thanks Sunny - I haven't heard of Sanifem before. I'll look into that!

Frank and Sue said...

Hi Michelle,
Great news re the next book deal. Congratulations!!

Have you ever thought about adding a subscribe by email option to the blog? (Feedburner is the obvious choice) I find it heaps easier as I get "pushed" content rather than having to remember to drop by.

You have been posting some great content and I have been so busy I have missed it for ages :-(

Maple Kiwi said...

Thanks for that. I'm so used to me Google Reader that I forget about people having to seek out new blog posts. I'll have to get onto that!