Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Outdoors Station Book Club explores "Sex in a Tent"

Yesterday I was interviewed about "Sex in a Tent" by UK Podcaster "Podcast Bob" Cartwright for The Outdoors Station. It was a lot of fun, and the results are already up on their website! Or you can listen to it here, by using the play button below.

Thanks for a great interview Bob! Here's a shout out to you UK campers. I wish you many rain-free days.

And if anyone else with a blog or website wants to post the interview, you can do it for free. Go to the above link for The Outdoors Station and follow the instructions from the "Copy MP3 Player" link beside the player.

In A Tent

Download MP3 File


Anonymous said...

OMG! How cool is that!! :) G

AktoMan said...

Good pod, lass. Nice to hear your voice.

Maple Kiwi said...

If only I had one of those smooooth radio voices, like Podcast Bob!

Anonymous said...

Well it was good for me ;-D

Best of luck with all the book launches. Make sure you come back for a part two interview entitled 'was it good for you?'

Stay tuned.
